Chicago Bioidentical Hormone Doctors are knowledgeable physicians with experience helping men suffering from age-related hormone decline. Men suffer from hormonal imbalances around midlife just as woman do. As men age, their testosterone levels begin to decline around 30 and then dramatically drop in their 40′s and 50′s. This is called Andropause or “male menopause” because the aging process and symptoms are similar to the symptoms woman experience during perimenopause and menopause. The difference is that the decline in hormones for men is not as sharp and sudden as a woman’s decline during menopause. They may not feel drastic physical changes but rather small dips in their energy level, stamina, mental function and sense of well being.
Andropause is the period in a man’s life that is marked by a drop in the levels of testosterone. This phase normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. While men’s hormones usually being to decline at around the age of 30 at a rate of 1% a year, andropause is a time when men notice and experience several symptoms of hormone decline. Growing older is hard enough for men without having to needlessly suffer from declines in testosterone hormone levels. Recent medical research shows that replenishing low testosterone deficiencies provided significant improvement in sexual function and libido, mood, increased energy, and general well being for men.
Testosterone is the primary male hormone, which is responsible for sexual function and reproduction, and it helps men to have a healthy libido and healthy sexual function. Lower levels of testosterone can cause men to experience reduced desire for sex and increased incidences of erectile dysfunction. Because testosterone also plays a role in red blood cell production, men with low levels of testosterone can experience reduced levels of stamina and endurance. Muscle cell synthesis is another bodily function that can be improved with testosterone, and it can tend to atrophy if men do not have adequate stores of testosterone. A Chicago Bioidentical Hormone Doctor can help restore your testosterone levels to normal, so that you can recover from the many symptoms of andropause.
Some of the other symptoms men experience when suffering from Andropause may include:
The treatment for Andropause is typically diagnosed by a Chicago Bioidentical Hormone Doctor that specializes in male hormone replacement. The physician will evaluate a man’s hormone levels, which are typically obtained through blood tests performed in a lab. After reviewing the lab results, the recommendations for the treatment of andropause usually will include a Chicago bioidentical hormone replacement therapy program using natural testosterone. Natural Testosterone Replacement therapy is a treatment for men with low testosterone who want to boost their health and overall well-being.